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Luna Bbunny VR is really sad. Her boyfriend picked the worst possible time to break up with her. After months of dating, he just dumped her right before Valentine's Day.

How could he be such a creep? She wishes she could have a nice man in her life like her mother does. To thank him for being so wonderful, she decides to give him the Valentine's gift that she had for her boyfriend. He accepts it and she notices that he is staring at her in her sexy little outfit. Since he seems interested, she has something else she wants to share with him. Pulling up her top, she exposes her breasts and tells him that she has had a huge crush on him for some time. Luna assumes he will refuse her advances and is shocked when he pulls out his hard cock and tells her that he feels the same. They can't tell her mother, but he wants to give her his big cock for Valentine's Day. She was hoping to get laid for the holiday and his dick is bigger than her ex boyfriend's so Luna dives right in, sucking him to the back of her throat and feeling him throb on her tongue. Pulling off her panties, she sits down on him, feeling his meat stretch her tight pussy as he slides all the way in. She loves fucking, but has never been with someone so experienced and loves the way he moves her body around into new and exciting positions. He pulls out and shoots his load in her mouth. She never swallowed for her boyfriend but gulps down his jizz with a smile. What a happy day it turned out to be.

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