Report Content

Thank you for your interest in reporting potentially inappropriate or illegal content on our platform. Please note that content removal reports are reviewed by our dedicated team to ensure they comply with our policies and applicable laws. More information about our Content Removal and Complaints Policy can be found on this page below.

Please use this form to send us a report to inform VirtualTaboo of the presence of certain information and content on our platform that you consider to be illegal or inappropriate content that violates Terms and Conditions of Use (available at ) and any other rules and regulations.

Please fill in the form in the English language. If you have difficulty using English, you can use Google Translate or other translation tools.

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Please provide any additional information and sufficiently substantiated explanation of the reasons why you believe that the information and material you are reporting should be considered illegal content. This information might help us to resolve your report. If you are submitting a request on the behalf of someone else appearing in the content, please provide your association to this person. You can also use this field to provide any other information you have in relation to this report.
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By typing your name in the field below, you guarantee that you are the person being named and represented on this form and that all provided information is accurate.
Digital Signature is required
By submitting this form, you understand that we will process all information provided in accordance with our Privacy Policy for the purpose of fulfilling your report and for further communication.
By submitting this form, you are providing us with your digital signature, which is as legally binding as your physical signature, confirming that you are the person who has submitted this report to us and that you accept all rights and obligations that may arise as a result of submitting this report.
  1. Introduction: This document sets out our content removal and complaints policy. If you are a User of (“Website”), this Content Removal and Complaints Policy forms part of your agreement with us.
  2. Interpretation: In this Content Removal and Complaints Policy, defined terms have the same meanings given to them in the Terms and Conditions of Use (available at
  3. Who can use this Content Removal and Complaints Policy: Whether or not you are a User of the Website, you can use this Content Removal and Complaints Policy to alert us to any complaint which you have relating to the content and/or Users on the Website.
  4. How to make a complaint: If you have a complaint about the Website, (including any complaint about content appearing on the Website, or the conduct of a User), please submit your complaint by completing our online form on this page or by sending us an e-mail to You must complete all mandatory fields, provide a description of your complaint and specify which content/User you are complaining about.
  5. How we deal with complaints of illegal or non-consensual content: Following receipt of your complaint of illegal or non-consensual Content:
    • We will take the steps we consider appropriate to resolve your complaint within 7 business days.
    • If we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know.
    • We will in good faith investigate your complaint and take the following action:
      1. If we are satisfied that the content is unlawful or non-consensual, we will immediately remove such content, and we will notify you of our decision.
      2. If we decide that the content is not in violation of the laws or our internal policies, we will notify you of our decision.
  6. How to appeal the decision: We also offer any person depicted in the content the ability to appeal any decision made by us based on a claim of lack of consent. To submit an appeal please write us to
    If consent cannot be established, or if you (or the person depicted in the content) can demonstrate that the consent that the Website has is void under applicable law, we will remove the content immediately. If you disagree with our final decision regarding non-consensual content, such dispute may be submitted to a neutral arbitration association at our expense.
  7. Unjustified or abusive complaints: If you are a User of the Website, you warrant (which means you make a legally enforceable promise) that you will not make any complaint under this Content Removal and Complaints Policy which is wholly unjustified, abusive, or made in bad faith. If we determine that you have breached this warranty, we may suspend or terminate your access to the Website.
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