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Sirena Milano BG has always loved her stepfather. He has always been perfectly wonderful, spoiling both her and her mother.

Lately, her mom has been working overtime a lot trying to get a promotion. Sirena has noticed that her stepfather is lonely and she suspects that he is also being neglected sexually. That just doesn’t seem right, so she plans to help him out. One night with her mother working late, she gets dressed up in a cute outfit and invites her stepdad to join her for a movie, joking that he could use a break from work and that she is a very fun date. When he doesn’t agree or even react, she playfully flashes her tits at him. When that doesn’t work, she gets bolder, lifting her skirt and even rubbing her pussy while he stares at his computer. Thinking he has been ignoring her, Sirena is shocked when he stands up and pulls out his big hard cock. He has been paying attention to her spontaneous VR porn show and likes what he sees. She likes what she sees as well and can’t wait to put it in her mouth. He knows it is wrong to cheat on his wife, but can’t resist her daughter’s tight nineteen year old pussy. Sirena bounces wildly on his dick, enjoying the way he skillfully strokes her horny hole. He is so much better than the college boys she usually fucks and loves rewarding her hard working stepfather with the best pussy he has ever had. The problem is, the pussy is too good and he doesn’t pull out in time, leaving her with a lot more than she planned for.

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